New Year – New Website

3. January 2018

We wish you all the best for the New Year, good luck and good health. We would also like to thank you for your interest and the good cooperation.

To be prepared for the future and to remain exciting for our customers, we redesigned our website in time for the new year and brought it up to date technically. Our website is now even better optimized for mobile devices. On this occasion, we also improved old features and introduced new ones. So we redefined the category Treasure Trove and added the new category Selected Items.

A special feature is the new pricing policy in our Treasure Trove. There we offer items which prices you can influence. More details can be found under the button “Suggest the price”. With the Selected Items category we want to introduce an area that includes pieces for the special collector or the connoisseur. Selected does not necessarily mean expensive, but the pieces offered there should meet one or more of the following criteria: exceptional craftsmanship, rare, high-quality or perfect condition, possession of a significant personality, unusual technology, patents or prototypes. We have already offered a few examples there, others will follow, as it is the focus of Kunst- und Waffenkammer to further expand this area.

Have fun discovering our new website.

Your Kunst- und Waffenkammer

Ute and Axel Nitsche

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